Children’s Ministry


God loves children and we do too at MGMC! We have a wonderful children’s ministry offering classes such as Art and science on Wednesday nights at 6pm, and engaging children’s programs on Sunday mornings for all ages.


Throughout the year our children are involved in learning, worship, and fun, doing Children’s Church, Sunday School classes and Vacation Bible School. We also offer seasonal programs such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Dinner with Santa and Family Fun events.


In addition to these classes, we offer our children the opportunity to participate in our Community Scout Program on Monday Nights.


Children who wish to participate in a worship experience can join a Choir, Handbell Choir or participate as Acolytes in the service.


During the service, we have several options for families to take advantage of: A cry room for babies that allows you to stay and enjoy the service, a nursery for children under the age of 4 and Children’s Church for children ages 4-2nd Grade. We also offer Busy Bags, Children’s Bulletins and clipboards with forms that allow them to take notes during the service.


For more information, contact Janet Boston, Education Director at

(850) 456-7463 X5.



We have a nursery available for children ages 3 and under. It is staffed by adults who have had background screening and training for the care of infants and small children. If you do not want to take your child or infant to the nursery, we also offer the “cry room” in the back of the sanctuary for your convenience.


For more information, contact

Carrie Disouryavong

Contact: (850) 456-7463 x 3

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Mother’s Morning Out (MMO)

Our MMO Program is open to our church members and to families in our community. We are open on Tuesday- Thursday from 9am to 1pm (August-May). We have a 2 year old class and a 3 year old class. Class placement is determined by the child’s age as of September 1st. We strive to keep our ratios low, so we often fill our spots quickly. Our preschool classes learn about Bible stories, we focus on learning colors, shapes, letters and numbers through play. We also encourage the development of fine and gross motor skills, cooperation, listening and following directions. We have been accredited through FCCPSA (Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools) since 2008. If you or someone you know may be interested, please call to get more information.



Contact Information

Myrtle Grove United Methodist Church

P.O. Box 3225 Pensacola, FL 32516

1030 N. 57th Ave. 850-456-7463
Carrie Disouryavong, Mothers Morning Out
Contact: (850) 456-7463 x 3

Youth Ministry


Youth Ministries is for grades 6-12. We believe in raising up the next generation of strong disciples for Jesus Christ who represent God’s retaking of this world through love. We, the next generation, are against sin, hate, and darkness that seeks to claim the lives of our peers. We stand for Jesus Christ and for our brothers and sisters whom God loves so much. We resist the ways of this world that lead so many teenagers into darkness and stand on the rock of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are God’s army sent to bring His light to this world. We are the Torchbearers!


Youth Minister: Isaac Richardson


Youth Events

Elevate: Wednesdays 6-7:00 (during the school year)

Our priority as Christians is to never be complacent, but to elevate our lives in Christ! Elevate is our weekly meeting that involves free-time, games, teaching, and worship. Elevate is open to youth grades 6-12.




Community Classes

Wednesday Day and Nights


Our Wednesday Night classes are open to the public and we encourage everyone to participate. Classes start at either 1:00 pm and/or 6:00 pm and they follow the school calendar (taking time off during the holidays and Summer). We also have a dinner at the 5:00 pm hour. Cost are minimal and are as follows: Adults $7/Children under 12 $3 and Children under 4 are free. This includes an entree, bread, salad, dessert and drinks.


Young Adult Ministries

Sunday School and Small Groups:  We have Bible Studies, and small groups that meet on Sunday mornings that we would love for you to join!  We believe it is in small group meetings when one can study with other believers where the real growth happens!  So come on Sunday and join one of our Sunday school or study groups!


Community Scout Program


All of our scouting programs are on Monday evenings (except when school is out for any holidays). We have 2 scouting opportunities to offer our community and church family. Troop 2 and Pack 2 are BSA programs that offer the scouting experience for boys and girls from Kindergarten through High School. The Pack and Troop meet from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm. We also offer free “God & Country” classes to all our scouts and any other scouts in the community that need the classes. These classes are on Wednesday Nights at 6:00 pm during the school year.


For more information, contact Janet Boston, Education Director at 

(850) 456-7463 X5.


Other Ministries

Methodist Men:

A group open to all men of any age of the church. The fellowship is Christ centered and Spirit led, bringing strength to the spiritual life of it’s members. The  Methodist Men meet every second Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. for dinner with a program or speaker. MM activities include an annual Christmas luncheon for the seniors of our church and a pancake breakfast on Easter Sunday. Some of the organizations that they support are Top of the Bottom ministry, Teen Challenge and the Association of Christian Athletes in the local colleges and high schools. The contact person is Charlie Mills (850) 261-4487.


Wesleyan Women:

Is open to all ladies of the church. The Contact person is Beth Herndon (850) 324-5224. We have 3 ladies circles to choose from – feel free to visit them all.


Arbeiter/Joy Circle:

Meets every third Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.  They have Bible studies and do service projects that benefit the church or community. Chairperson: Judy Cannon. The contact person is Judy Cannon (850) 308-8019.


Guild Circle:

Meets every second Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at the church. The emphasis is on spiritual growth, missions and our youth. Contact person: Sharon Hogan (850) 637-6622.


Sisters In Service:

We minister to the needy in the Pensacola community through groups such as the Washburn Center, Re-Imagine, Mission Fishin’, Waterboy’s projects, Ronald McDonald House and the HER foundation for female vets. Every month they meet to plan events and do a Bible study at their meeting on the fourth Thursday at 6:30 p.m. The contact person is Carol Laguens (850) 456-5611.



Music Ministry


 The choir performs at the 10:00 am service.

Choir: Practices at Wednesday Nights at 6:00 pm.

A Handbell Choir practices on Sunday afternoons at
11:30 am following the morning service. They perform for major holidays like Easter and Christmas.


Sunday School

For Adults:

Adult Bible: Open to all ages, a group of senior adults ages 50+ led by Jesse Lough. This is a compassionate, caring, open, uplifting group who enjoys a great deal of discussion using the Holy Bible as their study guide. Contact person is Jesse Lough (850) 857-9100. They meet in room 207.

Faithseekers: Studies focus primarily on books of the Bible with emphasis on living out our faith daily. Involved in outreach and other ministries of the church. Adults from 40+, all adults welcome; Singles and Couples. Monthly social gatherings. Point of contact for this class is Tom Danks (850) 529-4109. They meet in room 301.

Lifestyle: A larger class made up of singles and couples primarily between the ages of 45-75, who like socializing monthly and enjoy discussing Bible study. The teacher is Harry Stump and the point of contact is Beth Herndon (850) 324-5224. They meet in room 303.

Modern Samaritans: This large, lively class, made up primarily of members in their 60’s to 80’s, enjoy discussing a variety of topics from Bible study to contemporary writings. Discussions are led by Maureen Dunbar.  They meet in room 204.


New Beginnings: A group of mostly women from age 40+ who strive to apply the Holy Bible to our everyday lives in studies and discussions as led by teachers Connie Few. They meet in room 302.

Pairs & Spares: Ages 40 and up, learning how to apply Biblical teachings to life situations. Meaningful discussions are led by teacher and contact person, Ellen Scott (850) 455-1020. They meet in room 305.

Young Adult Class: A group of young adults aging out of the youth program. They are ages 18+ and are learning to apply the Holy Bible to their lives.


Other Community Programs



Take off Pounds Sensibly or TOPS is a weight loss support group that meets every Monday evening at 5:00 pm. They support each other through education and personal relationships. Real people experiencing real weight loss! Contact person is Grace Mobley (850) 281-6775.


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